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Writer's pictureDavion Bellinger

Pickleball Serve Rituals: Are Pre-Serve Ball Taps a No-No?

Many sport players have rituals, certain movements or habits that they feel increase their success and pickleball players are no different. Today our ref takes a look at the rules regarding a pre-serve ritual that some might think is illegal.

Q: I have a habit of tapping the ball on my paddle twice before I serve. A more experienced player told me this isn't allowed. Is there a rule against touching the ball to your paddle before serving?

A: Ah, the pre-serve ritual – we've all got 'em! Let's serve up the facts on this one.

Good news, pickle pal! Your paddle-tapping habit is perfectly legal. Let's dive into the 2024 USAP Rulebook to back this up.

Rule 4.A.3 states: "The serve must be made with a definitive forward motion of the paddle. The paddle head must be moving in a forward direction when it contacts the ball."

Nowhere in the rulebook does it say you can't touch the ball to your paddle before the serve. What matters is the actual serving motion itself.

Now, let's look at Rule 4.A.1: "The server's arm must be moving in an upward arc at the time the ball is struck and may be made with either a forehand or backhand motion."

Again, this rule focuses on the serving motion, not what happens before it.

pickleball volley serve

Your two taps are just part of your pre-serve routine, similar to a basketball player's free throw ritual or a tennis player's ball bounces. As long as your actual serve follows the rules (upward arc, definitive forward motion), you're good to go!

However, there is one tiny caveat to keep in mind. Rule 4.A.8 says: "The serve must be made within 10 seconds of the score being called."

So, as long as your tapping routine doesn't delay the game beyond this 10-second limit, you're playing by the book.

Remember, pickleball is a game of precision and personal style. Your pre-serve routine is part of what makes your game unique. Just keep it within the time limit, and you're all set to serve up some aces!

Got any more questions about serving quirks or pre-shot rituals? I'm here to help you separate pickleball fact from fiction!

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