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Writer's pictureDavion Bellinger

Net Serve Shenanigans: Can Your Partner Save the Day?

Question: If my partner is receiving serve and the ball clips the net but lands in, can I step in and hit the ball if my partner can't reach it?

Answer: Oh, pickle pals, this is a classic case of "close but no dill!" As much as we'd love to see some heroic partner saves, the rules are pretty clear on this one.

Let's dive into the 2024 USAP Rulebook, specifically Rule 4.A.2, which states:

"The receiving team must let the served ball bounce before returning it. Consequently, the serving team must let the return of serve bounce before playing it."

This rule is crystal clear – the receiving team has to let that serve bounce before hitting it, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. And by "receiving team," we mean the player who's supposed to receive the serve.

So, in our scenario, even though the ball took a cheeky little net dance before landing in the correct service court, it's still considered a legal serve. Your partner, as the designated receiver, is the only one allowed to hit that first shot after the bounce.

I know it's tempting to swoop in and save the day, especially when that pesky ball is just sitting there, begging to be hit. But resist that urge! If you were to hit it, it would be a fault, and the serving team would win the point.

Remember, in pickleball, patience is a virtue. Let that first shot bounce, and trust in your partner's ability to get to those tricky serves. And hey, if they can't reach it this time, there's always the next point to redeem themselves!

Essentials to remember:

  1. Only the receiver can return the serve. 

  2. If the serve clips the net but still enters the receiving side, the point is played. 

  3. If the serve clips the net but doesn’t enter the receiving side, it is a fault. (Will result in second server or side out) 

  4. Pickle as much as you can! Let’s keep growing this amazing sport! 

Got any more serve-related puzzlers? I'm here to help keep your game on the right side of the rulebook!

Only by Grace,


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25 de jul.
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Yes, but the next question is "is it a point for the serving team?" - Pretty sure the answer is "No - it's a replay" - currently the only rule addressing this is the "wrong receiver" rule which says replay the serve. 4.B.9.a. If the referee or a player stops a rally in progress to correctly identify a player/position error, the rally shall be replayed. I think this needs to be addressed in the 2025 revision.

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